Thursday, May 15, 2014

Green coffee bean extract is it safe?

Green coffee bean extract is it safe? My sister asked ... I never watched the show dr. oz on tv about the benefits and side effects of green coffee. He explained that; This supplement is able to lose weight quickly without any side effects, if served according to the rules. this extract, can reduce a person's appetite, so it can indirectly help the diet.
green coffee bean
Green coffee bean content:
The term “green coffee bean” refers to unroasted mature or immature coffee beans. These are processed by wet or dry ways for removing the outer pulp and mucilage, associated have an intact wax layer on the outer surface. once immature, they're green. once mature, they need a brown to yellow or cherry color, and generally weigh three hundred to 330 mg per dried coffee. nonvolatilizable and volatile compounds in green coffee beans, like caffein, deter several insects and animals from consumption them. Further, each nonvolatilizable and volatile compounds contribute to the flavour of the coffee bean once it's roast. nonvolatile element compounds (including alkaloids, trigonelline, proteins and free amino acids) and carbohydrates ar of major importance in manufacturing the total aroma of cooked coffee, and for its biological action. Since the middle 2000s green coffee extract has been sold  as a nutritionary supplement, and has been clinically studied for its chlorogenic acid content and for its lipolytic and weight-loss properties.

The dose of green coffee extract:
Currently, the Most of the nutritional supplement company recommends 1000mg per day to 1600mg. On the TV show Dr. OZ recommends 800mg / twice daily (1600mg), On packing a supplement recommended 400mg / 3 times a day (1200mg). Essentially the recommended dose between 1000 - 1600mg, do not exceed them. Every time you buy a body slimming supplement carefully read the manufacturer's instructions. What else to look for when evaluating a Green coffee bean extract? Make sure that the supplement was manufactured in a country with proper quality controls.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The pine bark extract benefits

Has antioxidant, P-vitamin, astringent, capillary, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, improves skin elasticity. A powerful antioxidant protects blood vessels and protects collagen fiber and elastin from free radical damage. It is Improves removal of toxins and radionuclides from the organism. Pine extract is used in anti-ageing cosmetics, products for strengthening and smoothing the skin, cellulite creams, lotions after tanning.
pine bark
Pine bark  extract benefits; the healing properties of pine bark known for centuries and are revered for its powerful antioxidant and anti - inflammatory properties. Useful result of pine bark on the cardiovascular system and skin treatment is used in cosmetology, acts as a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects collagen fiber and elastin from free radical damage.

Doctors recommend oil pine for diseases of the respiratory system: colds, bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia. It helps relieve pain in joints and spine, stress and fatigue of muscles after exercise. The healing properties of essential oils of pine actively used by cosmetologists: it cleanses pores, disinfects and refreshes the skin (pine bark extract skin benefits), accelerates blood flow in the epidermis.

The pine barks extract more efficient than the popular venotonic. According to the latest studies, the substance some product able to significantly improve the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).  Supplement -pine bark extract. Despite all statements of the creators and sellers "miracle potion" that the extract reduces blood pressure, scientific experiments conducted by these researchers, such properties at tinctures pine bark discovered. In addition, extract, pine bark was associated with a reduction in oxidative stress.

pine barks extract  are topical antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action. Improve local blood circulation. Pine barks extract may help people with hemorrhoids, fissures rectum, proctitis, paraproctitis, sigmoidit, prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, prostate adenoma, adnexitis, vulvovaginitis, cervical.